Thursday, November 13, 2014

My second attempt

Haven't been able to update this blog for a while but I'd like to share that I'm back in Taipei and I'm officially scheduled for Ovum Pickup this coming Sunday. This particular cycle wasn't exactly a smooth ride. I hit a few bumps on the road, just like my first IVF attempt. This time though, it seems that things are looking up.:)

I was on the Lupron agonist protocol this time around, which meant I started doing my Lupron injections on myself since Day 18 or the previous cycle. I had my last injection today, which was my 29th self injection of Lupron. Yes, 29th! Isn't that crazy? Not to mention I had to have 2 other injections for this IVF cycle, which were Menopur and Puregon. 3 injections everyday for 14 days now. I leave it up to your imagination as to how my tummy currently looks like after all those injections. :))

Doing my trigger shot tonight and I'm quite nervous about Sunday. Hopefully, by God's grace, everything will be ok. :)


  1. Hi Kusinera,
    Just wanted to write to support and let you know to hang in there! Good Luck with the Ovum Pickup! Everything will be fine so just try to relax as much as you can. My prayers and best wishes are with you!

  2. Also don't be nervous about the OPU, it is a breeze honestly. You just have to show your face and sleep through it, that's it :) A tip is to have a hot water bottle or electric heat pad handy to apply on your tummy after OPU as you will feel some achiness!! I am so excited for you, all the best!

  3. Thank you so much, Nio! Your message made me so much better! :)
