Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The first photo

I was supposed to have my ultrasound done last Monday, December 8 but because of the typhoon/tropical storm in the country, I decided to postpone it to December 10.

I've always thought that once I got a positive pregnancy test, everything else will be easy and that the baby will surely come along. But there I was outside the Women's Health Center, nervously waiting for my name to be called for my ultrasound. I've gotten so far only to fail but then, there it was. The very first image of our soon-to-be baby. And everything in the world was alright again. :)

I think I'm about 5 weeks and 5 days so as expected, no heartbeat yet and no fetal pole. We were only able to see the gestational sac and the yolk sac, which was what my doctor expected. We will do another ultrasound in 10 days. We hope to see a heartbeat then. :)

All I can say is God is good. :)

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